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Minogue and Wilkes Family tree

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First two generations (Minogues & Wilkes)
Minogues and Wentworth
Eliza Minogue
Christina Power
Frederick William Wilkes

Tara - photos and maps

Wilkes Family
William Frederick Wilkes
William Wilkes marries Molly Garrigan 1920

Bernard Wilkes marries Fon Tuck 1943

Loomes Family
Maisie Wilkes marries Jim Loomes 1914
Jean Loomes
Jean Loomes marries Alan Roper 1943
Peg Loomes marries Frank Sheean 1945
Michael Sheean

Timelines (Wentworth and family)

Map of region, showing outlying properties

Family trees
Minogue and Wilkes: first four generations
Sykes tree: Selina Wilkes and EJ Sykes
Loomes tree: Maisie Wilkes and Jim Loomes
Wilkes tree: William Wilkes and Molly Garrigan

Sykes Family
EJ Sykes before1900
EJ award
EJ Sykes married Selina Wilkes 1901
Des Sykes: early years and school
Maureen and Joan Sykes: early years
Christmas pudding 1915
Sykes family:1920-1928
Commercial early years
Commercial rebuild
Maureen Sykes marries Ken Ford 1929

Sykes family: 1928-35
Des Sykes & Isabel McLeod 1932-1936
Isabel McLeod
Des marries Isabel 1937
Margo Rafferty
Sykes family: 1935-1940
Joan Sykes marries Bill Green 1943
Corduroy 1940s
Michael Green

This account was put together from Joan’s stories and photos, the recollections of my uncle (Joan’s older brother) Des Sykes, photos from my mother's cousin Jean Roper (nee Loomes), and feedback from my sister Wendy and cousin Selina Quilty (nee Ford).

Peter Green macadv@netspace.net.au

Audio CD and video DVD


Audio CD: Des Sykes Story
The Sykes and Wilkes families in Wentworth 1855-1955: Spoken word history by Des Sykes with comments from Joan Green, Selina Quilty and myself. Interviews carried out by Peter Green between 1975 and 2005.

1. William and Eliza Minogue (‘Gran’ Minogue), midwife, the building of Tara, death of son and adoption of two children – Christina power and Richard Lowry. 2 minutes 35 seconds.

2. Christina Power and Frederick William Wilkes, Master Mariner & Town Clerk, 1885, Wentworth, customs, burning of the ‘Rodney’, and the Wilkes children – Selina, William Frederick, Maisie and Bernard Bede. Story of William – Gol Gol pub, marriage to Molly Garrigan, their children. 5 minutes 3 seconds.

3. Maisie Wilkes and Jim Loomes and children – Bern, Jean, Peg and Kath. Story of Bern and Oakdene, marriage to Fon Tuck, letters kept (comment by Joan), drinking. 4 minutes 30 seconds.

4. EJ Sykes, his trip to begin teaching on the Darling, Selina Wilkes, car, birth of Des and Maureen, Euston, and the Commercial – early years. 3 minutes 15 seconds

5. Des’s education in Wentworth, education of Maureen and Joan, trip to Hay, subjects studied, essay on peace, university studies, Sir Phillip Game, First job and depression. 7 minutes 21 seconds.

6. Anecdotes – 1870 Wentworth flood, sulky bolt, Christmas at Tara and the missing plum pudding, Des’s law career (John Duck). 7 minutes 30 seconds

7. Des tells of a trip to Sydney, when he was aged 14, in EJ’s new car: meeting Angela Sykes, and Loomes’s, collision with Chinese vegetable cart, and dust storm on trip back. 5 minutes 18 seconds.

8. EJ and Freemount, 1921. Cattle stampede, Hatfield pub, portable shower, Balranald, EJ and politics. 10 minutes 47 seconds.

9. Death of Des’s mother, Selina Wilkes, in 1925. Interruption to Des’s third year exams and return to Wentworth, dream of mother’s death. Return to law course three years later, work as articled clerk. Comment by Selina Quilty. 10 minutes 52 seconds

10. Des and Isabel relate their first meeting and marriage. Mildura office 1932, marriage 1934, Governor’s ball, Fiji cruise, Honeymoon to Woodend. 11 minutes 20 seconds

Wilkes family DVD

  1. Des Sykes’ memories of Tara 2.5 min
  2. Des Sykes’ memories of EJ Sykes and the Commercial Hotel 2.5 min
  3. Slideshow of Eliza Minogue, Christina Power and the early Wilkes family members 1.5 min
  4. Jean Roper’s memories of Tara and the early Wilkes family 13 min
  5. Sykes descendants’ visit to Tara 6.5 min
  6. Reunion of Wilkes descendants at the Commercial hotel 2008
    1 min